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Where does the database stored?

Hi, sorry for disturb again. The system now is running. However I could not find the database in my server. My connectionstring is as below

"ConnectionStrings": {
"DefaultConnection": "Server=WINPOINTS;Initial Catalog=quickapp;UID=sa;PWD=Intrend12345!;Integrated Security=false;connection timeout=300"


I can create new user.

keith has reacted to this post.

I needed to update my connectionstrings in appsettings.json for my production server:

"DefaultConnection": "Server=localhost;Database=QuickApp.Pro;Trusted_Connection=False;User ID=QAPUser;Password=XXX;MultipleActiveResultSets=true"

It was failing when Trusted_Connection=True, since I was using Sql Server Authentication.


Eben Monney has reacted to this post.
Eben Monney

Please see my response here: https://www.staging8.ebenmonney.com/forum/?view=thread&id=54&part=1#postid-184

Hir Sir,

This is my appsettings.json

"ConnectionStrings": {
// "DefaultConnection": "Server=(localdb)\\MSSQLLocalDB;Database=QuickApp.Pro;Trusted_Connection=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=true",

"DefaultConnection": "Server=WINPOINTS;Initial Catalog=quickapp;UID=sa;PWD=Intrend12345!;Integrated Security=false;connection timeout=300"


//"ApplicationUrl": "http://quickapp-pro.ebenmonney.com",

"ApplicationUrl": "\"localhost:5050",



And this is my development.appsettings.json

"ConnectionStrings": {
// "DefaultConnection": "Server=(localdb)\\MSSQLLocalDB;Database=QuickApp.Pro;Trusted_Connection=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=true",
"DefaultConnection": "Server=WINPOINTS;Initial Catalog=quickapp;UID=sa;PWD=Intrend12345!;Integrated Security=false;connection timeout=300"


"ApplicationUrl": "http://localhost:5050",


Both of it i have changed to winpoints.  But it still does no appear in my server.  Pls advise.

I want to put the database into winpoints server, even when it is development phase.  Pls advise how to go about it.




What's the WINPOINTS server?

What database vendor is running on it?

Where do you run your project from, locally, directly on a server, ...?

Can you ping WINPOINTS from the machine where you are running your code from?

Have you tried to put the ip address instead of the dns name?

Isn't your server/db only accepting entry connections from a particular port?

Eben Monney has reacted to this post.
Eben Monney

some info about connectionstrings and possibilities for SQL server: https://www.connectionstrings.com/sql-server/

home page for other datbase vendors: https://www.connectionstrings.com/


Eben Monney has reacted to this post.
Eben Monney

@ceosjleong Setting you database to winpoints is definitely a valid thing to do. You have both appsettings.json and development.appsettings.json configured to the same db server so it doesn't matter whether you're in production or development, the application will point to the same database.

If after configuring these new connectionstrings and restarting your web application you're able to successfully login, then your new configuration is working!

Your question now is "However I could not find the database in my server".
Are you logging on to your database server with the same credentials you used in the connection string? Please check the permission sets of the credentials to make sure you can view available database objects. There should be a database named "quickapp" since the web application can connect to it. Your current configurations in your database browser might just be preventing you from seeing it.

Try this simple....sql server connection string