About Eben Monney

Hi, my name is Ebenezer Monney. I’m a full-stack developer who’s worked with code for 15 years as a Senior Developer and has taught at the University Level as a Software Engineering Lecturer.

I luv tech and I believe in keeping designs simple.

This site is about Software Development and provides straight-forward tools and support to individual/small/medium sized development teams to enable them be efficient; and avoid the complexity, overhead and overengineering that comes with enterprise level solutions targeted at larger teams.

I hold a first degree in Computer Engineering (BSc.) and a masters degree in Information Technology (MSc.).

I program in C#, C++, Java, JavaScript, TypeScript, LINQ, SQL, Regex, XAML, HTML, CSS, SASS and whatever languages is good for the job at hand.

I’ve worked with these technologies ASP.NET Core, Entity Framework Core ,Web API, Web Services, Microservices, Angular, React, Material Design, Bootstrap, jQuery, OAuth, OpenID Connect, IdentityServer, Windows Services, Windows Forms, Windows Presentation Foundation, SQL Server, Database Design and Optimization, Full Stack / Backend and Frontend development, Scrum / Agile development, DevOps, Azure Cloud Services, Docker Containers, Kubernetes, Design Patterns and Practices, etc.

You can contact me here…

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication

Leonardo da Vinci