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What is a recommended deployment strategy for this project? Do you have instructions on how to deploy this on a Windows Server with IIS?

Thank you,

The necessary configuration changes to deploy this project to IIS have already been made.
So deploy it as you would any ASP.NET project.


  1. Publish to a File Folder
  2. Copy Files to Preferred IIS Location
  3. Create Application in IIS

See this post if you require details on any of the above steps: https://stackify.com/how-to-deploy-asp-net-core-to-iis/


Thank you

FYI to any others I ran into an issue HTTP Error 502.5 since my .net core files were out of date so make sure you download the latest asp.net core sdk. I downloaded the latest: https://www.microsoft.com/net/download/windows and it worked on my server.

Also needed to update:

  • launchSettings.json - applicationURL
  • appsettings.json - applicationURL / ConnectionString / SmtpConfig
Eben Monney and bernhard.ott have reacted to this post.
Eben Monneybernhard.ott

Hello there,

I need to publish my own project. But this is the error i always see in my error list ;

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error The command "node node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js --env.prod" exited with code 2.

Can anyone help me about this?

I had issues (IIS 502.5 Error) where I needed to first create the "Logs" folder on my server. Then I could see the log files and noticed I was missing the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Antiforgery Nuget Package so I installed the latest Microsoft .NET Core SDK on my server and it worked.

I deployed a version of the app to a development server and can only get the "App is Loading..." page to display with black letters and a white background.  When I inspect the page, there are errors saying the CSS and JS files were not found (404).

Could someone elaborate on modifying launchSettings.json and appsettings.json?

I have issues deploying on IIS server, as it says it should work  once you publish it but it was not showing on my server. I tried to change my hosting model to outofprocess to inprocess and I was not able to get any error log but it doesn't show the site instead it showing "

This site can’t be reached

". I also tried to put the files on my wwwroot but it doesn't still work. Need this deployment asap. Thank you.