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Next Update

I paid for the pro version and the CRUD examples are still missing. I am currently writing a database first code generator for quick app but it is a challenge without the examples fully flushed out. You get 15 downloads of newer versions with paid but there is no where to tell if a new version is available for download. I do like the code but I REALLY wish that everyone who bought it could collaborate and build on it more as a community. So far Eben is very hit and miss when it comes to responding to this support forum.

karulann has reacted to this post.

I agree. How can we share with eachother ?

karulann has reacted to this post.

I paid for "Ultimate Edition" price and at this level there are still no customers, products, or orders in the front end.

It also looks like there's practically none of the connecting code back to the server for items in the model (like the orders etc.)  It seems a big bunch of the necessary code is missing.

According to the forum  user profile Eben has not logged into this forum in 3 months.  I am feeling disappointed and a little bit worried with this situation.  I'm in a bit of a hurry and reason I bought the paid template was to save calendar time & labor right now...


Did you find a better solution to work with as a base?