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Pro - Password change broken

It appears the password change functionality for the current user is broken.  It doesn't prompt you for the current password in the UI, but the API requires it.



I was able to reproduce this. The fix will be included in the next update.

In the mean time you can do the following to apply the fix in your project:

1. Add the following lines to "user-editor.component.ts"

 get isEditingSelf() {
      return this.accountService.currentUser ? this.user.id == this.accountService.currentUser.id : false;

2. From the file "user-editor.component.html", replace the below line:

    <mat-form-field [floatLabel]="floatLabels" formGroupName="password" *ngIf="isEditMode && !isNewUser && userName.value != user.userName" fxFlex>

with this:

    <mat-form-field [floatLabel]="floatLabels" formGroupName="password" *ngIf="(isEditMode && !isNewUser && userName.value != user.userName) || (isChangePassword && isEditingSelf)" fxFlex>

Thanks for reporting this.

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