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the app doesn't run from the start (no changes in the template)...

The app doesn't work .

I can login but I can view Pdf file.

After I have struggled many many days... I able to make this template compile and work correctly in my windows 10.  This is what I have to do to make to work:

  1. in startup.cs, configure: I commented //app.UseHttpsRedirection();

2. comment https and sslPort in appsettings.json and launchSettings.json

//"https_port": 5001, //Set this for https redirection (e.g. 443)

//"sslPort": 44350

This will work in the vs2019 environment (under IISexpress).

If I installed it to the IIS,

I have to change 'development' to 'production in web.config file.

<environmentVariable name="ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT" value="production" />

This will work in the IIS.

I hope it will help to anyone who struggles like me to get this app to work.  Since I know how this application works (pro/con and overall design), I consider to purchase this template from the author.  However, I have read many comments... it seems that the author did not response very well to clients...

Any input?

Note: I purchase the application for just my personal education only not for work or any companies.