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Update-Database command hang the VS2017 Manager Packages Console


From VS2017 -> Package Manager Console if I run " Update-Database"  the console remains "running" forever so I can't launch other command from there

Many thanks

Marco Semenzato

I am getting the same error!

Any resolution found? It is very frustrating - it appears that the only solution is to restart VS each time a command is issued.



May i know if you run VS in Administrative or Elevated mode?


Yep, tried all options to get round this. Nothing seems to work.

However, the latest release works fine - sadly this has other bugs that I can't live with at the moment (see my other post).

Anyone know if this application is still being actively supported ? - there seems little input from Eben for a number of weeks.



The image of the post on April 12, 2018, 9:54 pm, i see that you are using the in-memory version of  the persisted grant store.

Can you to a different store implementation, as I am using VS2017 but not using the in-memory version, and all seems ok for me.

